About Us

Welcome! Microbiota Brasil is a company at TecnoPARQ-UFV, a business accelerator for technology-based companies. The company was born out of an ambition to use the scientific knowledge to explore the richness of the biodiversity of microorganisms present in the Brazilian tropical soils and their huge potential towards a more sustainable agriculture model. The company has a qualified team to perform product efficiency tests, to identify microorganisms and select isolates for disease management and for promotion of plant growth. The main goal of Microbiota Brazil is to enable companies to develop innovative biological products with high market acceptance.

Our Team

We are a team of Agronomists specialized on Plant Pathology with expertise on biological control including all the steps for product development

Meiriele da Silva

Master in Plant Pathology/Mycology UFV PhD* in Plant Pathology /Mycology UFV *sandwich period 2014/2015 at Westerdijk Institute (Fungal Diversity Institute) – Netherlands

Thalita Suelen Avelar Monteiro

Master in Plant Pathology /Nematology UFV PhD* in Plant Pathology /Nematology UFV *sandwich period 2014/2015 at the University of Florida – United States

Angélica de Souza Gouveia

Mestre em Bioquímica Aplicada UFV

Doutora em Bioquímica Aplicada UFV

Emiliane Fernanda Silva Freitas

Mestre em Microbiologia Agrícola UFV

Doutora em Microbiologia Agrícola UFV

Fernanda Corbelli de Magalhães

Graduanda em Agronomia UFV

Larissa Fialho Rosado

Graduanda em Agronomia UFV

Verônica Aparecida Faustino

Mestre em Bioquímica Aplicada UFV

Doutora em Bioquímica Aplicada UFV



Isolation, Identification and Selection of beneficial microorganisms for the development of innovative products with high market acceptance.


  • Sequecing of marker
  • Microbiome
  • Metagenomic
  • Gene expression
  • Genome sequencing

Product Testing

Tests on the efficiency of biological products and plant growth promoters.

Technical support

Assist in choosing the ideal microorganisms and how to enhance the potential for their use disease management.


Customized training and courses for teams.

Mission, Vision e Values


To provide promising microorganisms for companies to develop innovative biological products aimed at the sustainable management of plant diseases.


To be a reference in the search and selection of beneficial microorganisms that contribute to productive and sustainable agriculture.


Diversity, Sustainability, Innovation, Ethics, Secrecy and confidentiality.


Microbiota Brazil has a partnership with the Federal University of Viçosa and TecnoPARQ.

Get in touch!

(31) 9 9679-2481
Avenida Oraida Mendes de Castro, 6000, sala 15, Novo Silvestre, Vicosa-MG TECNOPARQ-UFV
CEP 36570-400